* Content-Driven
Drupal Commerce is the only commerce platform built upon an enterprise CMS. It connects content and products seamlessly to drive online sales and influence offline sales through a rich user experience, optimized merchandising tools, and proven SEO tools.
* Flexible
Drupal Commerce is highly modular and configurable to fit into the way you do business. It is ideal for all types of physical and non-physical items that require unique payment models (i.e. recurring, licensing, subscription). It is the most flexible eCommerce solution available.
* Easy to Use
Drupal Commerce provides for the development of an administration system and customizable workflow that makes it easy for non-technical personnel to execute changes and test new ideas, making it the perfect fit for marketing-driven commerce.
* Open Source
Drupal Commerce is open source, which facilitates lower costs, higher quality, greater innovation, faster speed, and the excellent security record of Drupal.
* Extensible
Drupal Commerce is highly extensible, and can adapt to meet the changing needs of websites of any size through integrations with third-party systems, feature enhancements, and International functionality.